Curves in surveying - What is it, Its types, and Advantages

In this article, we will see about what is curve in surveying, its types, purposes, its elements, advantages and more. What is curves in surveying? Curves surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the curvature of roads, rivers, and other natural features on a piece of land. This involves the use of mathematical calculations and specialized tools, such as total stations, theodolites, and GPS equipment, to accurately measure angles, distances, and elevations. The data collected is then used to create detailed maps and plans of the area being surveyed. Types of curves There are two types of Curves. 1. Horizontal Curve 2. Vertical curve Surveyors use horizontal and vertical curves to calculate the radius and slope of a feature. Horizontal curves are used to calculate the radius of a curve and the central angle. While vertical curves are used to calculate the grade or slope of a road or other feature. This information is used to ensure that the design of the ...