Plane Table Surveying - Principle, Method, Definition

Definition The plane table surveying is defined as the graphical method that is used for plotting plan in the field and for the various types of measurement. Or The graphical construction of angles, straight line and triangle for plotting the details of ground points. This survey is mainly used for mapping of area which are not big, Either it is small or medium scale. We do not use it in big area because it requires great accuracy. Basic Principle The main principle of Plane table surveying is parallelism. Meaning of Parallelism : It is a rays drawn from ground station to the object in our drawing sheet, parallel to line from ground station to object on the ground. In other words: Parallel means two lines are parallel to each other which does not touch even if we extend it to infinity. It means if lines in the ground is same as line in plane table but in small scale . For example, line AB and line CD are parallel in below Image: It mean...