Errors in Surveying - What is it, and Examples

In this article, we will see about What error is, what are its types, how can we minimize it, and some examples. What are the Errors? Errors means difference of measured value of quantity and of actual value of quantity. For example, Suppose, we have a line AB in the field. Its actual value is 20m, means point A is 20m far away from point B. Now, we try to measure line AB. And due to some reasons, we measure it as 19m. So, here is Error of 1m in absolute terms. Other Example: Suppose we have a Angle ABC, which is angle between line AB and line BC, at point B. Suppose value of Angle ABC at point B is 30Ā°. Then, we measure Angle ABC at point B, as 29Ā°. So, absolute error is |29Ā° - 30Ā°| = 1Ā°. Suppose instead of measuring 29Ā°, if we would have measured it as 32Ā°, then it would be of |32Ā° - 30Ā°| = 2Ā°. Another Example, Suppose a Person measure the height of a Tower. To measure it, he use some Instruments, and take readings. He is far away from tower, and to calculate its height, ...