
Showing posts from August, 2022

Errors in Surveying - What is it, and Examples

In this article, we will see about What error is, what are its types, how can we minimize it, and some examples. What are the Errors? Errors means difference of measured value of quantity and of actual value of quantity. For example, Suppose, we have a line AB in the field. Its actual value is 20m, means point A is 20m far away from point B. Now, we try to measure line AB. And due to some reasons, we measure it as 19m. So, here is Error of 1m in absolute terms. Other Example: Suppose we have a Angle ABC, which is angle between line AB and line BC, at point B.  Suppose  value of Angle ABC at point B is 30Ā°. Then, we measure Angle ABC at point B, as 29Ā°. So, absolute error is |29Ā° - 30Ā°| = 1Ā°. Suppose instead of measuring 29Ā°, if we would have measured it as 32Ā°, then it would be of |32Ā° - 30Ā°| = 2Ā°. Another Example, Suppose a Person measure the height of a Tower. To measure it, he use some Instruments, and take readings. He is far away from tower, and to calculate its height, ...

Latitude and Departure in Surveying - Formula, Explanation, Examples

In this article, we will see about Latitude and Departure in Surveying, what are they, how we can derive formula for it, Sign Convention, and Some Examples. So, Let's see, What are the Latitude and Departure? It can be defined as: Latitude of a Line is a Projection of a given Line on N-S Line.   Departure of a Line is a Projection of a given line on E-W Line.   What does it means? In simple words, Suppose we have a Line AB.  Now this line can be anywhere. But for projection, it's one endpoint should be on Origin.  So, let's take point A to Origin O on North-East-South-West plane, such as line remains as it is, but one point A will be on Origin.  Or Alternatively, we can also make N-S-W-E plane, and can make origin at a point there without taking line away. So, let's see, As you can see, line AB, which point A at origin. Right Side of Point A is East Direction, left side West Direction, Up side North Direction, and down side South Direction. So, when we project...

Traversing in Surveying - Principle, Types, Calculations

In this article, we will see about Traversing, some of its Advantages, Instruments, Principles, and various examples of it for Civil Engineers. So, let's See, What is Traversing? Traverse is a set of Connected Lines. Closed Traverse For Example, in above Line AB is connected with Line BC. Line BC is connected with Line CD. We measure distance between stations. For Example, between point A and of point B, how much distance is there. And angles. We start from one point.  From there to other place, we measure its distance.  Also, we measure what angles does the line (line which is of point connecting first and second point with North Direction for WCB ) make. (Actually, There are different systems of angle measurements. Which types of system of angle measurement do we choose, depends partially on whether it is Open Traverse or Closed Traverse.) Now, as we have measured distance between first point and second point. And also, angle of it with our system of angle measurement. We ca...

Hypsometric Levelling in Surveying

In this article, we will see about Hypsometric Levelling, which is useful to understand for Civil Engineers. So, let's see, What is Hypsometric Levelling? Hypsometric Levelling is a type of levelling in Surveying in which we determine height and altitude using the fact that boiling of water depends upon atmospheric pressure applied to water at that time. As the height increases, pressure at that level decreases, and correspondingly water boiling happens also get affected. By measuring pressure and temperature at which water boils, we can estimate what should be difference of heights or elevation between it should have. Formula showing relationship between Temperature, Pressure and Volume: PV = nRT By this formula, and some other formulas, we can understand, if height increases, then Pressure at that height decreases, and also Temperature required for Boiling of Water decreases.  As temperature required for Boiling decreases, more water can evaporates, boiling can happens fast. So, ...

Gales Traverse Table in Surveying - Excel, PDF, Image

In this article, We will See about Gale's Traverse Table, what is it, its image to download, PDF, Excel file, and some of it's characteristics. Let's see, So, What is the Gale's Traverse Table? The traverse table in which all information is tabulated is called Gale's Traverse Table.  It consists of Length, Whole Circle Bearing, Reduced Bearing, Consecutive Coordinates, Corrected Angles, and Independent Coordinates. When we do traversing , we have many types of information about various stations and line, like its coordinates, its length, and angles.  If we calculate each information individually, it may be troublesome or lengthy process.  To make it simple, and convenient, it is computed as in Tabular form by making it's rows and columns as a field for input of values collected from field; and for it Gale's Traverse Table is used. Image Here's image which you can save by right click on it and choose save. Or in Mobile device, long tap on Image, and tap o...

12+ Surveying Formulas helpful for Civil Engineers

In this article, We will See some of the Important Formulas of Surveying for quick revision and overview of the Subject. Here's What will We See: Direct Vernier Formula Least Count Formula Retrograde Formula Error Formula Correction Formula Relationship between Error and Correction Formula Correction for Slope Formula Correction for Temperature Formula Correction for Pull Formula Relationship between Fore Bearing and Back Bearing Formula Latitude Formula   Departure Formula Relative Error of Closure Formula Trigonometric Levelling Basic Formula Most Probable Error Formula Tacheometry Stadia Method Formula Direct Vernier Formula where,  s = length of one division on the main scale n = numbers of divisions on the Vernier scale v = length of one division on the Vernier  Least Count Formula where,  s and n are similar as seen above. We can calculate the Least Count of both Direct Vernier and Retrograde Vernier using the above formula. Retrograde Vernier Formula where,...